Our Wines


Red Muscadine 750ml

Red Muscadine

A flavorful best-selling wine with amazing ruby color and cotton candy aroma. American-grown. 12% ABV.

White Muscadine 750ml

White Muscadine

Fresh fruit aromas with sweet finish. American-grown and one of our most popular white wines. 12% ABV.

Pink Muscadine 750ml

Pink Muscadine

Bright and fresh with a sweet finish. This American-grown blush wine bursts with nectarine and plum flavors. 12% ABV.

Light Wines

Lower alcohol (7-10%) • Juicy & fruity • FUN • d’asti-style

Blue Parachute

POST famous blue Parachute wine is lightly sweet and fragrant. Refreshing fruit aromas that tingle the tongue. Slightly effervescent Riesling-styled. 7% ABV. Serve chilled or over crushed ice. True Muscadine flavor and aroma!

Strawberry Fields

Medium-sweet Rosé grape wine with natural strawberry flavor added. 8% ABV. Refreshing chilled or over ice.


Sweet, light, refreshing d’asti-styled Moscato that pairs well with spicy foods. Pour over fresh cubes of watermelon for a brunch favorite! 10% ABV.

Red Moscato

Sweet, light and slightly effervescent with cotton-candy aromas. 9% ABV.
We have a new label for this, I will try to get that to you this evening.

Table Wines

Premium wines at everyday great prices. Smooth, well-balanced wines.

Post White Zinfandel

White Zinfandel

Wonderful peachy strawberry aromas and a smooth clean finish. This delightful everyday Rose is available in 750ml and 1.5L bottle that is plenty to share during a meal with friends. 12% ABV. Serve chilled.


Sweet white Niagara is a favorite with spicy foods, fruits and creamy cheeses. Peachy aromas, smooth finish. 12% ABV. Served chilled or over ice.
blush Niagara bottle 750ml

Blush Niagara

Has delightful fresh berry aromas with a peachy, sweet finish. This long-time favorite is American grown and ready for you to enjoy. 12.5% ABV. Serve chilled.

Traditional Red Bottle 750ml

Traditional Red

Medium-bodied Bordeaux Style wine with ripe berry overtones. Smooth and easy to enjoy. 12% ABV. Serve cellar temp. 55°F.

Red Table Wine Bottle 750ml

Red Table Wine

Captures all the aroma and flavor of the fresh Concord grape. American-grown sweet wine available in a 750ml and 1.5L bottle. 12.5% ABV.

Concord bottle 750ml


A smooth dessert wine that you will enjoy! Available in 750ml or 1.5L bottle. This best-selling American wine is rich with grapey flavors. 19% ABV.

White Port bottle 750ml

White Port

Our white port has fresh pear or apple-like aromas swirling from every glass. Serve chilled, over ice or as a mixer. 19% ABV.

Delawine bottle 750ml


A smooth sweet grape wine, with fruity aromas with a velvet smooth finish. 19% ABV. Serve chilled.

Chardonnay bottle 750ml


Unoaked and essentially dry with delightfully fruit aromas and a clean finish. 12% ABV. Serve chilled.

Cabernet Sauvignon bottle 750ml

Cabernet Sauvignon

POST Cabernet Sauvignon has rich berry aromas and an elegant finish. 12.5% ABV. Serve this classic dry red at cellar temperature 55°F.


This dry Merlot has easy tannins with a black cherry aroma, plum flavors and a soft finish. 12% ABV. Serve at cellar temp.

pinot grigio bottle 750ml

Pinot Grigio

Fresh, light-bodied dry and delicate with crisp acidity. Favorite Go-To Wine. 12% ABV. Serve chilled.

Zara Mora bottle 750ml

Zarza Mora

Red table wine with natural blackberry flavor added.
Serve chilled. 12% ALC by VOL.

Muscadine Juice

The Muscadine grape (vitus rotundifolia) is an intensely aromatic native grape available in red and bronze varieties: Noble, Sugargate, Summit and Carlos. Bronze varieties are also known as Scuppernong.

We grow our Muscadine grapes in the southern Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. These true-fruit juices are 100% grape juice, no water or sugar is added. Pasteurized and packaged in clear glass bottles with twistcap closures, POST grape juices are shelf stable & need refrigeration only after opening.

The sweet intensity of Muscadine juice makes it an amazing mixer for fresh sodas, punches or
cocktails. White Muscadine Juice is a delicious substitution for part of the recipe liquid in muffins or cakes. A simple juice spritzer recipe is shared on the back of each bottle.

Store hours

Monday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Post Winery Logo

1700 St. Mary’s Mountain Rd.
Altus, AR 72821

(479) 468-6400